...седьмого идиотского полку рядовой. // исчадье декабря.
Странная, но, кажется, похожа. И птичка-соловушка умилительная (=.
by Airendis
...the silences with silver mirth
were shaken; the rocks were ringing,
the birds of Melian were singing,
the first to sing in mortal lands,
the nightingales with her own hands
she fed, that fay of garments grey;
and dark and long her tresses lay
beneath her silver girdle's seat
and down unto her silver feet...
Да, Лейтиан по-прежнему в процессе перечитывания и по-прежнему штырит безмерно.
by Airendis
...the silences with silver mirth
were shaken; the rocks were ringing,
the birds of Melian were singing,
the first to sing in mortal lands,
the nightingales with her own hands
she fed, that fay of garments grey;
and dark and long her tresses lay
beneath her silver girdle's seat
and down unto her silver feet...
Да, Лейтиан по-прежнему в процессе перечитывания и по-прежнему штырит безмерно.
Извиняюсь. Прочитала "Лейтиан" и поехало...
Зато в собственных записях про них вспоминаю почему-то (=.