
...седьмого идиотского полку рядовой. // исчадье декабря.
Заполз случайно в известный эпический тред на Стардестроере... Зацепился за диалог.

Darth Fanboy: Is it just me or are the Spartanian fighters superior to the Valkyries? It appears as if they get the upper hand in every engagement and while some of that could be attributed to pilot quality I find it hard to imagine that some of the kill ratios the Spartanians enjoyed were entirely due to piloting skill.

Darksider: The observed kill ratio between alliance and Imperial fighter forces might be due to the fact that their is a secondary/tertiary character who pilots them on the Alliance side, but no corresponding character on the Imperial side. Fighter duels usually consist of Poplan kicking copious amounts of ass. I'm sure if there were an imperial fighter ace in the series the score would be more even.
Is anything said to indicate that the Spartinian is a superior fighter? Especially considering the fact that the Empire maintains technological superiority.

Последнюю фразу особенно прошу заметить. К вопросу об укоренившемся в нашем фандоме мнении о техническом превосходстве Альянса (=

@темы: ЛоГГ

03.03.2012 в 12:34

*хохочет, как гиена*
03.03.2012 в 20:38

...седьмого идиотского полку рядовой. // исчадье декабря.
Да-да, я знал, что вы порадуетесь (=

Ой, а как у меня аватарка с кайзером удачно выпала в посте... (=