• Your mixtape should be ten tracks long and consist of five tracks on each side.
• Side ‘A’ should represent the positive, happy bits.
• Side ‘B’ should represent the not so happy bits, but end on a good note.
• Songs can be by any artist.
• Pick your songs carefully. This is your introduction, afterall!
• You can choose whether or not to explain your song choices.
• When you are finished, make a new post with your name, tracklist, and a download. (Those of you on LJ, remember to be kind to your watchers and use a cut.)
пестниSIDE ‘A’
- Track one: a song that you think represents your life/view on life at present.
Сейчас и всегда.
- Track two: a song that makes you think of your favorite person at present.
(да, понятие "favorite person" я трактую несколько своеобразно)
- Track three: a song that represents your love life at present.
Разделяющие Моря и все такое - я в этом смысле.
- Track four: a song that always cheers you up.
("cheer up" в смысле подбадривает и придает сил, а не просто веселит)
- Track five: a song that you will always associate with a good memory.
Воспоминание: Харьков, начало лета, улица Пушкинская, оранжевая рубашка в клеточку, солнце в лицо и рыжие крылья за спиной. Было хорошо (=.
- Track one: a song that makes you think of your least favorite person, past or present.
Ну... чтоб вот прям так - и не вспомню такой песни. Но пожалуй, пусть будет эта. По некоторым ассоциациям.
- Track two: a song that represents your love life in the past 1-5 years.
Какой всеобъемлющий срок, однако... Ладно, возьмем последние года три примерно.
- Track three: a song you love, but can’t listen to without feeling sad.
Да дофигища, половина Fleur, как минимум...
- Track four: a song that you will always associate with a negative memory.
А нет таких. Не цепляются у меня негативные эмоции к песням.
- Track five: a song that inspires you to power through the bad and make the most of life.
Аж две.