by P. K. Page
And I shall tell him that the thought of him
turns me to water
and when his name is spoken pale still sky
trembles and breaks and moves like blowing water
that winter thaws its frozen drifts in water
all matter blurs, unsteady, seen through water
and I, in him, dislimn, water in water?
As true: the thought of him
has made me marble
and when his name is spoken blowing sky
settles and freezes in a dome of marble
and winter seals its floury drifts in marble
all matter double-locks as dense as marble
and I, in others’ eyes, am cut from marble.
Это уже без конкретных ассоциаций, просто - увидел в метро и понравилось. Красиво и так... пронзительно, что ли. О да, есть те, от мыслей о которых обращаешься в воду и камень одновременно...